Misty Blanco The Blaquanese Rockstar “Music Box Moonlight Edition” ft. Reina Hondo is undeniably clever and tasteful as she melodically bops over just a violin. Misty Blanco’s remix version to “Music Box” will definitely change the frequency in music and the tone of artistry among female artist today. Misty Blanco said she decided to do this record to challenge her own creativity, and to fuse her many styles as one on the record, creating a musical gumbo to the listener. “Music Box” is filled will many voices, sounds and tones all done by the Blaquanese Rockstar.
“Misty Blanco” gave us “Janice Joplin” vibes on this record which set her style and delivery aside from many artist today. During the hook of the song she chants “Yah Yah” which means “God”, in hebrew. She has spoken in prior interviews saying many think she is just making sound effects when she in actuality calling “God”, because of what’s she’s about to do on a track. “Music Box” is intensed and filled lines like “I bring a symphony, I’m God’s Epiphany, You genies heard of me they call me Misty B, I came to rock the box, they love my Music Box,” even saying other artist “Play is on stop”. Misty Blanco really displays her many levels of instensed theatrics, creativity and expression as a theatrical artist, and what “Melodic Bop”, is. “Music Box” expresses that she is in her own lane and the reason she decided; to be in the lane she has created for herself.

In “Music Box” you can hear frustration from the Blaquanese Rockstar about how all music is the same and there isn’t anything out there challenging the artistry in artist anymore. “Misty Blanco” The Blaquanese Rockstar remix to “Music Box” will ft. Violinist Renia Hondo and is coming November 2022. “Meldoic Bop” is the dramatic expression of music and art, and “Music Box” really gives us a great dose of the theatrical expression called “Melodic Bop”. Misty Blanco The Blaquanese Rockstar continues to set herself and the genre of music called “Melodic Bop”, a part as a unique sound of music and expression for theatrical artists. In todays music many female artist only speak about sex and their videos have become the blueprint for just that. “Misty Blanco The Blaquanese Rockstar”, provides a balance in music that’s needed and it’s enjoyed by those who truly love the dramatic musical arts. “Misty Blanco’s “Music Box Moonlight Edition”, featuring “Reina Hondo”, has truly changed the frequency of music. Please watch added link:
For bookings for Misty Blanco & Reina Hondo please contact The Misty TV Firm Corporation via email: themistytvfirm@yahoo.com
The Misty TV Firm Corporation Instagram IG: @themistytv
Misty Blanco Instagram IG: @mysterious_mistyblanco
Reina Hondo Instagram IG: @challenges_inlife